
Eva Wallace

"The technology keeps moving forward, which makes it easier for the artists to tell their stories and paint the pictures they want" -George Lucas




As mentioned in my last blog post SCRUM is a management method that stems from ‘agile’. Evernote notes

SCRUM is lightweight and perfect for clarity when a team work together in order to reach a common goal. It is flexible in the sense that is so fast paced that can easily be re adapted around the clients needs. In the case of the cork LGBT archives this method works very well as new content may be discovered as any point.

Here is an image of the SCRUM plan

This can be broken down to To do, doing and done. In assigning each person a colour per sticky note this allows each member to be able to clearly see the progression of the project. The transparency here keeps the flow of the project in manageable chunks with the relief at the end of saying ‘done’ to reduce pressure and increase productivity.




Agile style

The task at hand is to curate data from the cork LGBT archives by (Orla Egan )found here:

This data has mixed media which is certainly a task but an exciting one at that. The class is now broken into teams and a management strategy is necessary in order to have a plan to fulfil the task.

A hugely popular method of management in the technology industry is the AGILE method. To explain this is discussed in my evernote note book:Agile notebook

The 10 Key principles and notes on agile management (IT)
Big Values here:
*Individuals over tools
*Software over Documentation
*Customer collaboration over contract
*Response to change in a plan
-Active user involvement
-Team empowered for decisions
-Requirements are under a fixed time scale
-Capture requirements at a high rate
-Each in bite sizes
-Frequent delivery
-Complete one before next
-Possible 80/20 (if speed to market deliver 80% product in 20% time)
-Constant testing
-Collaborative and co operative approach necessary
This management process is very much suitable in IT but will be broken down further to more digestible chunks taking the shape of SCRUM planning which I will discuss further.

Love is an open souurce!

Getting a bit digital humanities here..

Here to embed!

In a previous DH class we discussed the concept of open source. Open source is defined as “denoting software for which the original source code is made freely available and may be redistributed and modified”. I feel that this is an exciting and refreshing idea that most certainly be kept up and not locked down. With this, we as an internet community(granted we all get along for a little while) can grow at an extremely rapid rate evolving for the better. Of course there is drawbacks of open source software whether it be slower download times or updates that are not as up to scratch,if the “open source movement” is harnessed correctly it could vastly improve software. For example user interface created from people from every field-not just a sweaty coding mastermind with no other skill. I feel that with this software can be created collaboratively towards whats really needed,not just technically correct. Above to further explain I have embedded a video from “”. As always feel free to comment!

Have a nice day!:)

Eva x

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